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Fog Nets

       Fog nets, also known as fog collection or fog harvesting, is a practical and sustainable method of collecting fresh water in arid regions or areas with limited access to clean water. The technique involves using large pieces of vertical mesh netting, often set up on ridges or slopes, to capture water droplets from fog.

               As the fog passes through the mesh, tiny water droplets attach to the netting and eventually accumulate and coalesce into larger droplets. These larger droplets then trickle down into a collection trough at the bottom due to gravity. The collected water can be used for drinking, irrigation, or reforestation in dry regions.

           Fog nets are a simple, low-cost, and environmentally friendly solution to water scarcity. They require no energy to operate and have been used successfully in various parts of the world, including Chile, Morocco, and Nepal. However, their efficiency can be influenced by factors such as fog frequency, wind speed, and net design and material.

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